This article is the 10th in the CJHP Research Primer Series, an initiative of the CJHP Editorial Board and the CSHP Research Committee. The planned 2-year series is intended to appeal to relatively inexperienced researchers, with the goal of building research capacity among practising pharmacists. The articles, presenting simple but rigorous Cited by: Sep 29, · Recent Articles. Vitamin D/VDR regulates peripheral energy homeostasis via central renin-angiotensin system. Han Su, Ning Liu, Yalin Zhang, Juan Kong Open Access November 30, Identification of phosphodiesterase-4 as the therapeutic target of Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions
Research articles | Nature
Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Global inverse modelling of plant water acquisition depth and isotope-based plant water use estimates demonstrate globally prevalent use of precipitation from distant sources, and that water-stressed ecosystems are well suited to using past and remote precipitation, research articles.
Experiments using two coupled optical ring resonators and based on the concept of synthetic dimension reveal non-Hermitian energy band structures exhibiting topologically non-trivial knots and links, research articles. Sparse labelling and whole-brain imaging are used to reconstruct and classify brain-wide complete morphologies of 1, individual neurons in the mouse brain, revealing a dependence on both brain region and transcriptomic profile.
A combination of genetic strategies and tools is used to define and fate-map different subtypes of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons according to their developmental and molecular programs, providing insight into the assembly of cortical processing networks. By depositing platinum shells on palladium-based nanocubes, research articles, the strain can be controlled by through phosphorization and dephosphorization, making it possible to tune the electrocatalytic activity of the platinum shells.
An examination of motor cortex in humans, marmosets and mice reveals a generally conserved cellular makeup that is likely to extend to many mammalian species, research articles, but also differences in gene expression, research articles, DNA methylation and chromatin state that lead to species-dependent specializations. SCAF1 is solely required for supercomplex CIII 2 CIV assembly and is not involved in the formation of the respirasome supercomplex CICIII 2 CIV.
Mesoscale connectomic mapping of research articles cortico—basal ganglia—thalamic network reveals key architectural and information processing features. RNA-sequencing analysis of the prenatal human brain at different stages of development shows that areal transcriptional signatures are dynamic and coexist with developmental and cell-type signatures.
The authors describe an integrated atlas of the diverse cell types in the mouse primary motor cortex, research articles. Injection of engineered bacteria that convert ammonia to l -arginine into tumours enhance the anti-tumour response in a mouse model and synergize with anti-PD-L1 treatment to clear tumours.
Focused ion research articles scanning electron microscopy FIB-SEM combined with deep-learning-based research articles is used to produce three-dimensional reconstructions of complete cells and tissues, in which up research articles 35 different organelle classes are annotated. Astrocytes can respond to diseases and injuries of the central nervous system by driving the death of neurons and mature oligodendrocytes through the delivery of long-chain saturated fatty acids contained in lipoparticles, research articles.
A comprehensive survey of the epigenome from 45 regions of the mouse cortex, hippocampus, research articles, striatum, pallidum and olfactory areas using single-nucleus DNA methylation sequencing enables identification of cell clusters with distinct research articles and projection targets and provides insights into the regulatory landscape underlying neuronal diversity and spatial regulation, research articles.
Quantitative analysis of the methylation of mouse cortical neurons that project to different cortical and subcortical target regions provides insight into genetic mechanisms that contribute to differences in cell function.
Analysis of chromatin state at a single-cell level in samples of developing human forebrain demonstrate both cell-type-specific and region-specific changes during neurogenesis. Multi-modal analysis is used to generate a 3D atlas of the upper limb area of the mouse primary motor cortex, research articles a framework for future studies of motor control circuitry.
Advanced search. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature, research articles. nature research articles. Research articles.
Filter By: Article Type All. Year All. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain antibody evolution after mRNA vaccination Alice Cho Frauke Muecksch Michel C, research articles.
Article 07 Oct Thalamic circuits for independent control of prefrontal signal and noise Arghya Mukherjee Norman H, research articles. Lam Michael M. Article 06 Oct Spatiotemporal origin of soil water taken up by vegetation Global inverse modelling of plant water acquisition depth and isotope-based plant water use estimates demonstrate globally prevalent use of precipitation from distant sources, and that water-stressed ecosystems are well suited to using past and remote precipitation.
Topological complex-energy braiding of non-Hermitian bands Experiments using two coupled optical ring resonators and based on the concept of synthetic dimension reveal non-Hermitian energy band structures exhibiting topologically non-trivial knots and links, research articles. Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types Sparse labelling and whole-brain imaging are used to reconstruct and classify brain-wide complete morphologies of 1, individual neurons in the mouse research articles, revealing a dependence on both brain region and transcriptomic profile.
Article Open Access 06 Oct Genetic dissection of the glutamatergic neuron system in cerebral cortex A combination of genetic strategies and tools is used to define and fate-map different subtypes of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons according to research articles developmental and molecular programs, research articles, providing insight into the assembly of cortical processing research articles. Mastering the surface strain of platinum catalysts for efficient electrocatalysis Research articles depositing platinum shells on palladium-based nanocubes, the strain can be controlled by through phosphorization and dephosphorization, making it possible to tune the electrocatalytic activity of the platinum shells.
Comparative cellular analysis of motor cortex in human, marmoset and mouse An examination of motor cortex in humans, research articles and mice reveals a generally conserved cellular makeup that is likely to extend to many mammalian species, but also differences in gene expression, DNA methylation and chromatin state that lead to species-dependent specializations, research articles.
Structure and assembly of the mammalian mitochondrial supercomplex CIII 2 CIV SCAF1 is solely required for supercomplex CIII 2 CIV assembly and is not involved in the formation of the respirasome supercomplex CICIII 2 CIV. The mouse cortico—basal ganglia—thalamic network Mesoscale research articles mapping of the cortico—basal ganglia—thalamic network reveals key architectural and information processing features.
Research articles atlas of cortical arealization identifies dynamic molecular signatures RNA-sequencing analysis of the prenatal human brain at different stages of development shows that areal transcriptional signatures are dynamic and coexist with developmental and cell-type signatures. A transcriptomic research articles epigenomic cell atlas of the mouse primary motor cortex The authors describe an integrated atlas of the diverse cell types in the mouse primary motor cortex.
Metabolic modulation of tumours with engineered bacteria for immunotherapy Injection of engineered bacteria that convert ammonia to l -arginine into tumours enhance the anti-tumour response in a mouse model and synergize with anti-PD-L1 treatment to clear tumours. Whole-cell organelle segmentation in volume electron microscopy Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy FIB-SEM combined with deep-learning-based segmentation is used to produce three-dimensional reconstructions of complete cells and tissues, in which up to 35 different organelle classes are annotated, research articles.
A transcriptomic atlas of mouse cerebellar cortex comprehensively defines cell types A comprehensive atlas of cell types and regional research articles in the mouse cerebellar cortex.
Neurotoxic reactive astrocytes induce cell death research articles saturated lipids Astrocytes can respond to diseases and injuries of the central nervous system by driving the death of neurons and mature oligodendrocytes through the delivery of long-chain saturated fatty acids contained in lipoparticles, research articles.
DNA research articles atlas of the mouse brain at single-cell resolution A comprehensive survey of the epigenome from 45 regions of the mouse cortex, hippocampus, striatum, pallidum and olfactory areas using single-nucleus DNA methylation sequencing enables identification of cell clusters with distinct locations and projection targets and provides insights into the regulatory landscape underlying neuronal diversity and spatial regulation.
Epigenomic diversity of cortical projection neurons in the mouse brain Quantitative analysis of the methylation of mouse cortical neurons that project to different cortical and subcortical target regions provides insight into genetic research articles that contribute to differences in cell function.
Single-cell epigenomics reveals mechanisms of human cortical development Analysis of chromatin state at a single-cell level in samples of developing human forebrain demonstrate both cell-type-specific and region-specific changes during neurogenesis. Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex Multi-modal analysis is used to generate a 3D atlas of the upper limb area of the mouse primary motor cortex, research articles, providing a framework for future studies of motor control circuitry.
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Oct 04, · Breaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution -- the latest discoveries Dec 15, · Research on the traumatic partition of British India has most often been carried out by scholars in the humanities and qualitative social sciences. This article presents mixed methods research and analysis to explore tensions within current scholarship and to inspire new understandings of the Partition, and more generally, mass migrations and displacement A research article is a written paper that illustrates an outcome of scientific research with supporting clinical data. This differs from other types of informative articles, such as magazine features or research papers, which typically address the topic in a general scope as a means of introduction. A research article, on the other hand, is written by and for researchers for the purpose of making specific findings
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