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Unique and colorful essay

Unique and colorful essay

unique and colorful essay

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What Makes You Unique Essay (Example by College Student)

As the second-oldest institution of higher education in the United States, William and Mary has been around to see a lot of essays over the years.

So what can you do to make your essay stand the test of time? First, you can get a better sense of what William and Mary is looking for, from enrollment and tuition statistics to student life and financial aid information, on its Common Data Set. For deep insights into how this private research university envisions student success and how it wants to grow and evolveread its strategic priorities.

Beyond your impressive academic credentials and extracurricular accomplishments, what else makes you unique and colorful? We know nobody fits neatly into words or less, but you can provide us with some suggestion of the type of person you are. Anything goes! Inspire us, impress us, or just make us laugh. Think of this optional opportunity as show and tell by proxy and with an attitude.

Remember show and tell days from kindergarten? This is kind of like that. Take something you love and show it off. Provide specific details. Tell colorful stories, unique and colorful essay. Try picking a topic that shows off several different facets of your personality and skill set. Expand on the impact of your topic. Why unique and colorful essay impact matter? It helps the reader understand why they should care. The key here is getting your reader to be just as jazzed as you, and showing impact is the way to do it.

Here are some ways to think about impact:. Perhaps what you choose to talk unique and colorful essay has a particularly shocking statistic. Maybe your interest in that topic inspired you to do something that had a unique and colorful essay numerical effect. Consider adding specific numbers to bolster your claims and give your readers a sense of magnitude.

Anecdotal evidence of impact, or quotations, unique and colorful essay. The more of you that you put in your essay, the better.

Personal impact on you, the author in the form of lessons learned, skills gained. Write it long first, then cut it. In our experience, this tends to be easier than writing a very short version and then trying to figure out what to add.

Be specific. Whenever possible, offer memorable details or specific experiences. In addition, a little descriptive language can help the reader understand you in a more visceral way. The story of how I became one is fairly arbitrary. One afternoon, she dared me to give it up too. So why be a vegetarian, if I love meat so much? Specifically, I have become passionate about the welfare of animals and the environmental impact of meat overproduction and poor regulation of the food industry.

After my friend challenged me that day, I found myself devouring books and documentaries about farms and food production. I realized that most farms across the U.

I now know that nine billion animals are slaughtered annually in the U. for food, a number that will grow exponentially as the population increases; and that many farm factories significantly pollute the air and water and expedite climate change through the use of crop feeds grown from nitrate fertilizers.

As for me, I love being connected to the vegetarian community and learning more about the food industry and sustainability in general. I immediately get excited upon meeting another vegetarian. I ask them why, to see if they are also passionate against factory farming like meor someone who simply prefers the taste of vegetables unlike me. In the end, unique and colorful essay, though, that dare at camp years ago has been worth it.

It has made me more politically and socially aware about an issue I care about, and I have never looked back. Connect details to your values. She quotes statistics, talks about her participation in environmental activism, and delves into her thorough research on factory farming.

Showing someone you care is the first step toward making them care too. Use humor in service of a larger purpose. Again, this author does a great job of using humor to her unique and colorful essay. Her little parenthetical sidenotes about disliking veggies and craving burgers make her seem likable and approachable. Turn your interest into a story.

However, the author unique and colorful essay her answer as a narrative. She uses the story of a summer camp dare to introduce us to the world of vegetarianism and guides us through her shift away from meat as it happened over time. We see the process it took to get to where she is today. When you talk about something in a story format, you add motion to your essay. You propel readers forward and help them see how you evolved over time, unique and colorful essay.

Use specific details to display your culture. It gives you a sense of the kind of world the author grew up in, her cultural roots, and her way of understanding the world around her. By using specific language, she is able to incorporate so many other interests and values into the overarching topic of her vegetarianism.

Details help you stand apart from other essays with similar topics, so use them to elevate your piece. I take a deep breath, bend my knees, and dive downwards into my flip Initially, it was just another one of the nine sports I had previously attempted, but sometime during the first few months of learning the basics, my newfound hobby became an essential piece of my life. Before parkour, I was a relatively unathletic middle-school kid with few friends and pretty low self-esteem.

While there are a number of factors that contributed to my pre-parkour self, unique and colorful essay, the biggest one is my home life, or more specifically, life with my older brother.

Because of this, throughout our lives, my parents have spent a lot of time on him, unique and colorful essay taking him to therapy or constant arguing with him. At one point the tension peaked, with a screaming match between them practically every day.

I began to distance myself by developing escape methods. The most prominent were spending time on my computer playing video games, talking with strangers, or doing extra studying. At the time, I thought I was just really good at being independent: I almost never needed help with homework, found time to meet with my friends online, and never asked for anything.

Later, however, unique and colorful essay, I realized that this mindset only kept me inside my comfort zone, anxious to ask for any help. I retreated further into my online friendships because it was easier than face-to-face interactions.

Thus, I had finished middle school unique and colorful essay only one good friend to show for unique and colorful essay. My mother had always encouraged me to focus on three things: education, fitness, and music. After quitting swim the competition was too cutthroatshe suggested that I find another sport. I came across the parkour community and decided to try it.

Initially, I approached it as I had all the other sports--set a physical goal to see if I liked it, but I soon realized that this was not just a sport. After completing my mission in landing my first backflip on a trampoline, I quickly set out to learn a plethora of new skills: B-Twist, front-half, wall-flip, cork, and, of course, backflip on concrete I now have all of these skills! At first, I was slow to overcome my shyness and social anxiety: mostly talking to my coach and a couple of classmates.

But eventually, teaching new people and learning from strangers became commonplace at each training session. I realized that in all the other sports, I was just participating for my mom instead of my own aspirations.

However, through parkour, I began to take pride in my own athleticism, and my self-esteem and confidence quickly rose. When I lost in basketball, football, baseball, lacrosse, swimming, soccer, boxing, sprinting, and long jump I felt like I unique and colorful essay less valuable. Parkour competitions jams have a unique atmosphere. Everyone at a jam wants everyone else to improve, and if someone is better than you, they are usually excited to teach you whatever skill or variation they invented.

I finally found a sport--a community--that resonated with me. I am happier than I have been in a long time and have a thriving friend group. And though there are still ups and downs in life, I no longer let it overwhelm me.

Flipping off of buildings has taught me to relish every moment, no matter how difficult I once perceived them. Notice how this essay demonstrates so many different values. Want to know what else goes into a great essay? Check out The Great College Essay Unique and colorful essay. Special thanks to Luci for her contributions to this post. Luci is an audiophile and storyteller with a love of all things radio and writing. What more could you ask for? Top values: Interpersonal connections humor openness to new experience, unique and colorful essay.

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How to Write the College of William & Mary Essay

unique and colorful essay

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