the outsiders is a book about a group of youthful greasers living in oklahoma, and about their struggles to exist in a society that seems designed to dismiss them. oklahoma is also the name of a popular musical. draw your own conclusions, or continue reading. see, i don't know from oklahoma in the sixties. maybe that is a place where street toughs call their little brothers The narrative structure of Things Fall Apart follows a cyclical pattern that chronicles Okonkwo’s youth in Umuofia, his seven-year exile in Mbanta, and his eventual return home. Each of the novel’s three parts covers one of these periods of Okonkwo’s life. The novel’s three parts also map onto a gendered narrative structure that follows Okonkwo from fatherland to motherland The Outsiders is told through which point of view? A theme in a story or novel is: answer choices. An essay assigned about a book. A central idea in a piece of literature. A trendy idea that the book connects to Which of the themes do you feel is the central idea of the book? answer choices. Importance of family. Importance of friendship
How to Start a Book Report
The Outsiders - Test DRAFT. Played times. Print Share Edit Delete. Live Game Live. Finish Editing, the outsiders book report essay. This quiz is incomplete! To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Delete Quiz.
Question 1. narrator of the story. Ponyboy's lighthearted older brother. Ponyboy's smart, demanding oldest brother. violent greaser with a long police record. wise-cracker of the greasers, the outsiders book report essay, makes everyone laugh. Pretty, redheaded Soc; Bob's girlfriend. Soda's best friend; works at a gas station.
The Outsiders is told through which point of view? third person omniscient. A theme in a story or novel is:. An essay assigned about a book. A central idea in a piece of literature. A the outsiders book report essay idea that the book connects to. The part of the story where the resolution and conclusion merge. Which of the themes do you feel is the central idea of the book?
Importance of friendship. Stereotypes are unfair and harmful. Any of these could be argued as the central idea of the book. Where do Johnny and Ponyboy hide out after Bob Sheldon is stabbed? at a an old abandoned house in Windrixville. at a church in Windrixville. What is the main reason that the Greasers and the Socs fight? they like different music. they like different football teams. they are from different social classes. they wear different clothing.
it has taken him a long time to grow it out. it is part the outsiders book report essay his identity as a greaser. he thinks the girls like it better.
he doesn't think he looks cool with short hair. The author shows the reader that. all teens have problems in their lives. violence is a part of many teens' lives. both answers A and B are correct, the outsiders book report essay. the grass is greenier on the other side.
Who wrote the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? Paul Newman. According to Cherry, what separates the greasers and socs? What is characterization? The number of characters in a story. What a character looks like. The relationship between characters. Why does Johnny want to turn himself in? He thinks life in jail is better than living with a guilty conscience. He misses the rest of the gang and just wants to go home. He is sick of hiding out at the church and wants life to go back to normal.
He feels guilty and knows that he killed Bob in self-defense. What is a flashback? being surprised by the outcome of a situation. sharing an event that occurred at an earlier time. discussing the future. reflecting on the choices on had mafde. A brief reference to a well-known person, the outsiders book report essay, place, thing or idea off significance is known as a n.
Which of the following is NOT a literary allusion in The Outsiders? Nothing Gold Can Stay. Why does Cherry refuse to visit Johnny in the hospital? She blames him for the rumble. She might fall in love with him. She doesn't like to talk about the night in the park. She can't look at the person who killed Bob. I was wrong" this is an example of Who did Johnny's death have the greatest impact on? Cherry Valance help Ponyboy to learn that Dally is a likable guy.
things are rough all over. girls with red the outsiders book report essay are intelligent. jds can turn into heroes. What does Johnny mean when tells Pony to "Stay Gold"?
Get tough and never let anyone mess with you. Keep your blonde hair. Be yourself and remember there is still good in the world. Always do your best.
In The Outsiders, sunsets symbolize the similarities between the greasers and socs. the differences between the greasers and socs. the hopes and dreams of the greasers and socs. the problems both groups face. science fiction. historical fiction.
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the outsiders final essay
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the outsiders is a book about a group of youthful greasers living in oklahoma, and about their struggles to exist in a society that seems designed to dismiss them. oklahoma is also the name of a popular musical. draw your own conclusions, or continue reading. see, i don't know from oklahoma in the sixties. maybe that is a place where street toughs call their little brothers THE OUTSIDERS 5W’S NEWS REPORT You are a news reporter live on the scene after the Soc and Greaser fight at the park. Your job is to fill the audience in on the exciting events taking place. Remember to include the 5w’s in your report. To help you in reporting, you may wish to: • Interview witnesses • Question those involved • Examine The Outsiders is told through which point of view? A theme in a story or novel is: answer choices. An essay assigned about a book. A central idea in a piece of literature. A trendy idea that the book connects to Which of the themes do you feel is the central idea of the book? answer choices. Importance of family. Importance of friendship
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