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Masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos

Masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos

masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos

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Sc, M. Ed, M. D in Lagos, Nigeria. This chapter presents the framework of the study in addition to a review of empirical studies on impact of job satisfaction on performance of employees using General hospital Minna-Niger State.

Several researches have been conducted for decades trying to find out what motivates our behaviour, how and why. Below are five popular theories of motivation that can help you increase workplace performance:. The Two factor theory of motivation otherwise known as dual-factor theory or motivation-hygiene theory was developed by psychologist Frederick Masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos in the s.

Analysing the responses of accountants and engineers who were asked about their positive and negative feelings about their work, Herzberg found 2 factors that influence employee motivation and satisfaction…. According to Hoarer,this theory implies that for the happiest and most productive workforce, you masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos to work on improving both motivator and hygiene factors.

To help motivate your employees, make sure they feel appreciated and supported. Give plenty of feedback and make sure your employees understand how they can grow and progress through the company. To prevent job dissatisfaction, make sure that your employees feel that they are treated right by offering them the best possible working conditions and fair pay. Make sure you pay attention to your team and form supportive relationships with them, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

Anitha believes that benefits packages should not be one-size-fits all. Then you must focus on the individual and masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos they want out of their association with your enterprise. According to the hierarchy of needs, you must be in good health, safe and secure with meaningful relationships and confidence before you are able to be the most that you can be.

Chip Conley cited in Asif,founder of the Joie de Vivre masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos chain and Head of Hospitality at Airbnb, used the Hierarchy of Needs pyramid to transform his business.

According to Chip, many managers struggle with the abstract concept of self actualization and so focus on lower levels of the pyramid instead. Conley found one way of helping with higher levels was to help his employees understand the meaning of their roles during a staff retreat. They were creating a space for a traveler who was far away from home to feel safe and protected. By showing them the value of their roles, the team were able to feel respected and motivated to work harder.

In order to get the most out of your team, you should also make sure you support them in other aspects of their lives outside work. Perhaps you could offer flexible working hours to give employees time to focus on their families and make sure they are paid fairly to help them feel financially stable.

The Hawthorne Effect was first described by Henry A. Landsberger in who noticed a tendency for some people to work harder and perform better when they were being observed by researchers. The researchers changed a number of physical conditions over the course of the experiments including lighting, working hours and breaks.

In all cases, employee performance increased when a change was made. The researchers concluded that employees became motivated to work harder as a response to the attention being paid to them, rather than the actual physical changes themselves.

Showing your employees that you care about them and their working conditions may also motivate them to work harder. Encourage your team to give you feedback and suggestions about their workspace and development. Expectancy Theory proposes that people will choose how to behave depending on the outcomes they expect as a result of their behaviour. In other words, we decide what to do based on what we expect the outcome to be. At work, it might be that we work longer hours because we expect a pay rise.

However, according to Asif,expectancy Theory also suggests that the process by which we decide our behaviours is also influenced by how likely we perceive those rewards to be. In this instance, workers may be more likely to work harder if they had been promised a pay rise and thus perceived that outcome as very likely than if they had only assumed they might get one and perceived the outcome as possible but not likely. Therefore, according to Expectancy Theory, people are most motivated if they believe that they will receive a desired reward if they hit an achievable target, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

The key here is to set achievable goals for your employees and provide rewards that they actually want. There are a number of theories about attribution. According to Weiner, the reasons we attribute to our behaviour can influence how we behave in the future. Weiner theorised that specific attributions e. bad masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos, not studying hard enough were less important than the characteristics of that attribution.

According to Weiner, there are three main characteristics of attributions that can affect future motivation. If they believed an external factor was to blame, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos, such as poor teaching, they may not experience such a drop in motivation.

Make sure you give your employees specific feedback, letting them know that you know they can improve and how they can about it. This, in theory, will help prevent them from attributing their failure to an innate lack of skill and see that success is controllable if they work harder or use different strategies.

You could also praise your employees for showing an improvement, even if the outcome was still not correct. This way, you are encouraging employees to attribute the failure to controllable factors, which again, can be improved upon in the future. Presumably, this definition points to the importance of both dispositional and situational factors as determinants of job satisfaction. This view has been present in the literature since the first studies by Hauser, Taylor and the various projects at the Western Electric plants in Hawthorne, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

These studies follow the assumption that when a certain set of job conditions are present a certain level of job satisfaction will follow. The Hawthorne Masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos are considered to be the most important investigation of the human dimensions of industrial relations in the early 20th century.

They were done at the Bell Telephone Western Electric manufacturing plant in Chicago beginning in through the early years of the Depression, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

In summary, these early studies initiated the quests and research on job satisfaction and perceived workers performance. Employee is a back bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers. She conclude that the organizations need to modify the reward system of the employees and promotions must be given based on merit, educational qualification and experience, and if these factors are given little more care, the company can maintain good workers with high level of satisfaction, organizational commitment and involvement, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

This will in turn lead to effectiveness and efficiency in their work which leads to increased performance. Bowen,posits that the concepts of job satisfaction and motivation are clearly linked and invariably used interchangeably in practice Bowen, Whiles motivation explains the driving force s behind the pursuit or execution of particular activities masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos a job.

Herzberg as cited in Dawal and Taha He continues to giveexamples by saying that lower order needs otherwise known as hygiene factors and higher order needs also known as motivators as also concerning satisfaction and dissatisfaction flowing from these and the need to engender long term career satisfaction.

The notion that self-esteem is open to momentary changes is not masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos. He also noted that there is a certain average tone to the self-feelings people maintain that is largely independent of objective feedback that might contradict the self concept.

Thus, although momentary self-evaluations may be context dependent, people derive their overall sense of self-esteem by averaging feelings about themselves across a number of different social situations. The extent to which self-esteem fluctuates has been the subject of recent empirical investigation.

Savin-Williams and Demo found that self-esteem fluctuated only slightly around a stable self-concept. They argued that such factors as social class, maturation, birth order, gender, and number of siblings are crucial for establishing a baseline from which fluctuations occur. Wells similarly found a stable baseline of self-esteem from which there were modest fluctuations, depending on with whom the subjects were interacting self-esteem was lower for mothers when they were with children and higher when they were with adults and on the interpersonal context of such social contacts.

Thus, it appears that self-esteem is a relatively enduring disposition Rosenberg, from which there is some degree of deviation. Given this, considerable research has been conducted with the goal of manipulating self-esteem, and there is agreement that self-evaluations do vary across situations Wells, It seems, therefore, that there is considerable theoretical and conceptual support for the notion that self-esteem can be temporarily altered, although the magnitude of such fluctuations does not appear to be large.

Organisational support has long been considered a key predictor of organisational commitment Eisenberger et al. More specifically, Currie and Dollery found that organisational support was significant in predicting affective commitment and normative commitment; higher scores on organisational support were associated with higher commitment scores. However organisational support did not significantly predict continuance commitment Currie and Dollery, In a similar recent study, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos, Allen et al.

Social exchange and reciprocity theories Gouldner, ; cited. in Allen et al. It is reasonable, therefore to expect that in organisational settings, organisational support will trigger a desire to repay benefits offered by the organisation by greater identification with the organisation affective commitmenta feeling of obligation to the organisation normative commitment and relative increase in the costs of leaving the.

In Uganda, Onyinyi investigated the relationship between organisational support and organisational commitment among health workers and found a weak but significant relationship between the two variables. Similarly, Makanjee et al.

South African hospitals. Judge, Locke, and Durham proposed a higher order construct they termed core self-evaluations or, more simply, positive self-concept. According to Judge et al. The core self evaluations construct was originally proposed as a potential explanatory variable in the dispositional source of job satisfaction. Investigations of masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos link between core self-evaluations and job performance, however, are lacking.

Despite a lack of studies linking the core self-evaluations factor to job satisfaction and, especially, to job performance, three of the core traits self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability appear to be the masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos widely studied personality traits in personality and applied psychology.

Yet, with the exception of emotional stability and job performance, we have found no meta analyses of the relationship between any of these traits with either job satisfaction or job performance.

Thus, the purpose of the present study is to provide a quantitative review of the literature that examines the relationship of the four core self-evaluation traits with job satisfaction and job performance. This study determines whether general relationships exist and, if so, what the magnitudes of these relationships are.

First, they considered self-esteem to be the most fundamental manifestation of core self-evaluations as it represents the overall value that one places on oneself as a person. Third, internal locus of control was considered a manifestation of core evaluations because internals believe they can control a broad array of factors in their lives. This research argues that work place bullying can in some cases, be a form of organisational politics, that is, a deliberate competitive strategy from the perspective of the individual perpetrator.

During the past decade workplace bullying and related terms such as mobbing, employee abuse, workplace aggression and victimisation have received growing attention in organisation research.

Studies have shown that bullying not only has severe negative effects on the well-being of individual employees but that it also has negative consequences for the organisations concerned. Some researchers have even tried to calculate the costs of bullying and shown that bullying can be costly both for individual organisations and for society as a whole, in terms of lost performance, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover of personnel, masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos.

The negative outcomes of bullying thus make it important to increase our understanding of bullying as well as the mechanisms behind it, in order to ensure that management at all levels can take appropriate prevention and intervention measures to reduce the prevalence and mitigate the negative consequences of bullying on job satisfaction.

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masters thesis job satisfaction survey jos

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