6. Literature Review 7. Methodology 8. Results/Findings 9. Discussion/Analysis Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices List of top MBA Dissertation Examples "MBA Dissertation Written on the Theories behind Outsourcing" "Critical Success Factors of Customer Relationships Management" "The Multicultural Project Manager" The main purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of logistics on the customer satisfaction of the retail stores, in the twin cities of the Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The factors of logistics in the study were inventory, lead time, transportation and logistics. A survey questionnaire divided into two parts was adopted, one part for the factors of logistics and the other one for customer Aug 08, · Customer satisfaction is a metric that measures how happy customers are with a business’s products, services, and capabilities. It’s a reflection of how a customer feels when interacting with your brand: poor customer satisfaction leads to negative reviews, while satisfied customers will help you build your brand
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of logistics on the customer satisfaction of the retail stores, in the twin cities of the Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
The factors of logistics in the study were inventory, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, lead time, transportation and logistics. A survey questionnaire divided into two parts was adopted, one part for the factors of logistics and the other one for customer satisfaction for the measurement of variables in the research.
Where the introductory portion deals with the demographic items and then the first part contain items tend to identify the score for each factor of logistics and then second part is for the customer satisfaction. In the study through convenient sample technique stores of the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi are chosen for research. Moreover, logistics has shown positive relationship with customer satisfaction of the retail stores.
In conclusion, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, results have shown significant interaction of customer satisfaction with inventory, lead time, transportation and logistics. The study covers only the geography of Islamabad and Rawalpindi in the present research therefore; to have more better and generalizable insights future studies must include investors from other parts of the country.
However, large sample size can also be used in the future studies. Practices like multiple effective transportation system, which reduces the lead time and maintaining the inventory in the stores and to make sure the availability of the products required by the customer is important for the customer satisfaction.
Till date, few studies are done in this context, so this study will literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector in the academics and the customer satisfaction in the retail.
Supply ChainSupply Chain ManagementInventoryLead TimeTransportation and Logistic. As the business environment is uncertain nowadays, and it is very hard to be constant at success, so the business must respond to the uncertainty and meet the customer needs as they are changing day by day Gerwin, ; Huber, ; Narasimhan and Das, ; Ward et al.
The competition nowadays is increasing day by day, companies need to look for such processes and methods to manage the firm so that the firm will be enable to come up with efficiency and with much better outcomes Stock et al. As a study conducted by Bowersox et al. As the present business environment is more intense competition wise, the pressure is not only on the differentiation in the product and service but also on the factors which reduces the price as well.
According to Gil-Saura et al. The performance of logistics is not only taken as the activity relating to operation but in fact it is taken as a strategic variable and it plays a key role in the satisfaction of the consumer. Customer always expects something and when they are not met then, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, the consumer will eventually be dissatisfied and the effect goes on by multiplying itself, and when this effect increases the consumer will switch to another retail competitor, and the former experience of dissatisfaction is abandoned by the consumer Bouzaabia et al.
As Jennet stated that customers are one of the stakeholders of the organization and they are one of the most important, as looking at their importance it is one of the main goal of the Organization to satisfy the customer and their satisfaction is among the top of the list items for the management and this area which is customer satisfaction is in light by the organizations very much due to its importance [6].
Previous research suggested that the quality of services is a reason for customer satisfaction. Customers always expect something from the organization and if those expectations are met then they will be satisfied and it is proved that the behavior of customer is the foundation of the level of satisfaction for them, stated by Walidin and Waskita [7].
In Pakistan there has been research done on the logistics and the company performance and also environmental effects which included different aspects of logistics including the costs, warehousing and outsourcing the logistics operations and their effect on the company performance and the result which was literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector from the research that although sustainable logistics operations are difficult to obtain but if they are properly implemented including the environmental effect as well then the company and the country can be sustainable in different ways like economic social and environmental Abbasi Noman Muhammad et al.
According to the report third quarter ofby state bank of Pakistan, there is growth shown of about 1. The increase in retail sector of Pakistan is due to the increased income, urbanization and customer awareness, which gives a hint towards the expansion of the retail market in Pakistan.
From all this is evident that the twin cities of the country are also expanding its retail sector, the figures of the last decade regarding the GDP And currently around departmental stores in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. By looking at all the aspects, it is quite evident that the logistics plays a very vital role in the customer satisfaction, especially in retail sector. As there is lot of competition and for the growth and consistence, logistics needs to be at its best.
Hence this study is taken out to analyze the effect of logistics management on the customer satisfaction in the retail sector of twin cities Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Profitability of the business and hence it is quite evident that the profitability of the business is dependent on the satisfaction of the customer, as if the customer will be satisfied then it is quit evident that the customer will visit more and hence more sales will result more profitability.
Now in all this logistics plays a very important role and this study will analyze the impact of logistics management on the customer satisfaction in the retail industry in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. This study will also help in the academic realm, and will assist them in the getting to pool of knowledge about the impact of logistics on customer satisfaction, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector.
The retail sector can also be benefited from the study, as the study will help them get substantial findings on the impact of logistics on customer satisfaction. Other companies especially in the service industry will be able to understand the significance of logistics in improving the level of customer satisfaction, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector. Supply chain practitioners will benefit from this study since it studies supply chain management in service sector.
Logistics is responsible for the planning, then implementing and then controlling the efficient and effective flow and also storage of goods and services in any supply chain, along with the goods and services the flow of information from the origin to the flow of consumption is also included.
Consumers always demand goods and services in time and most importantly in a cost-effective way is always an important question in the retail sector. Retail stores are always in need of smooth flow of goods, in time and availability of the inventory and which means that the logistics plays a very vital role like what will be the route and medium through which the goods can reach in the most cost effective way and in time.
As if there will be any delay for the goods to reach the store or the cost increases then the customer will be dissatisfied will switch to the competitor. So this study is going to address the impact of logistics performance on the customer satisfaction in the retail sector of literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector twin cities Islamabad and Rawalpindi, by taking into consideration the four most important factors inventory, lead time, transportation and logistics management The inadequate control on the management of the logistics including factors like inventory, lead time, transportation and logistics management can be the reason of poor quality services to the consumer, which will dissatisfy the consumer and the profitability of the organization will be affected highly.
Now customer satisfaction can be measured based on his loyalty and repurchase from the organization, and these are among many other ways that an organization apply to serve its customer through the information system and the alliance of the customer [9]. As per Eckert satisfaction is reference to the product quality along with the services and the relation between the price and performance and along literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector all these it also is when literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector organization is right on top of the expectations of the customers and also going beyond those expectations.
There are certain terms from which an organization can recognize the customer satisfaction, which can be the time taken for the delivery and also according to the specification of the customers [9]. Satisfaction is related to the fulfillment of the wants of the customer, and in the eyes of organization it means that does the product or service is fulfilling the wants of the customer or not, if it is then the customer will be satisfied, which also includes the stages to the fulfillments which can be over or under both.
If an organization wants to obtain high level of satisfaction in its customer, they are required to provide not only quality products but superior products, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector. According to Hendricksliterature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, it is very important before the purchase of the product weather the customer is satisfied or not. And for making this happen organizations are working harder than ever as there is more of competition, to satisfy their customers by their loyalty, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector will resultantly increase in the number of sales and profitability as well.
As the customer satisfaction has the direct influence on the sale of the customer and it plays a very important role in the businesses, so researchers are emphasizing this allot in their research that how the customers can be more satisfied by the business. And as this issue of satisfying the most important stakeholder of the business which is customer, who also is the most unpredictable, and is one of the stakeholder of the business due to which the operations runs in business and the businesses operates due to it and satisfaction changes according to the values and behaviors of the individuals this area is of main concern and research, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector.
As the environment is changing day by day and the competition increases in the environment, organizations must cater all these changes timely, studied by Zhang [13]. Zebrine et al. As per Radthe flexibility of SC partners is the main factor on which the satisfaction of customer relies. Sterman and Doganstudy mentioned the term inventory management which is one of the main terms used in SC and then it also tells that the stock which includes all the types and forms including work in progress and finished goods both of them are kept at such a level that we should provide maximum services at the minimum costs [15].
According to Silver et al. Inventory has got many costs associated with it like transportation costs, holding costs and management costs; if not well maintained and planned then it would result in high costs for the firm itself and resulting in the customer dissatisfaction [16]. According to Chambers, Lacey,there always is a competition among the benefits of holding the inventory which will be taken in future and the cost of keeping the inventory, when it comes to the benefits then at the time of need the goods availability, and when it comes to the costs it involves the opportunity cost which means that the finance which has been used for getting the inventory, ordering it and handling it [17].
The management of inventory means the benefits of the inventory and cost of the inventory and having the maximum profit out of the inventory. A study conducted by Shim, Siegel literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, it has been stated that the levels of inventory is the main factor which involves the cost for the storage of the inventory, the insurance paid for it, spoilage and last but not the least the interest which is paid for the acquiring of the inventory [18].
And an another study conducted by Shim, Siegelit has been stated that success of management of inventory gets the lower level of inventory meaning the minimization of inventory, decrease of cost of increase in the profitability, managers are the one who will find the adequate level of inventory level in the organization, as the inventory level by manager depends on many factors like sale, conversion speed into cash, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, amount available for getting the inventory, production, the reliability of literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector and many other factors [19].
As we have inventory levels high then the sales cannot be lost and also increase the production outputs, as due to the availability of inventory. Inventory levels are also affected by short term interest rates which mean that as the interest increases the level of inventory in holding is reduced it will incur more cost.
As in the environment now a day there is a lot of competition, so this kind of environment inventory and services both are a major factor for the inventory management to be concerned about. They both can be very harmful for the business as bad services can result in the loss of customers and high inventories can result in incurring cost including holding cost and many others, this has been studied and explained in Hübner et al.
The true essence of management of inventory is to argue that the operations of the business to seamless flow of goods, product and services Chaltora [21]. So if we look at this it can be easily understood that inventory is a broader term, there comes a lot of things in inventory as the total quantity of goods available in the stock of the company, now this stock contains a large amount of goods and materials—including office supplies like stationeries, plant, machinery and many more Stephen and Gupata, [22].
A study by Sterman and Doganexplains that as the suppliers are given orders and they have to fulfill the orders but if they fail to do so then in result the delivery will take longer time and the service to the customers becomes more and more poor day by day if this keeps on happening [15].
So, for the understanding of the replenishment scheme of retail sector, periodic review system is applied. These systems are designed for the order placement of different sizes, periodically, which automatically takes the inventory levels to the required level, stated by Watersin his study, the best example of this can be in a literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector stores in which the shelves are replenished periodically as say at the end of the day [23].
As this is periodically and continuous replenishment on a regular basis, so this best suits the low cost stock but with the low cost but the demand is high which results in low inventory management cost. As studied by Egg and Reinerthe investment increases due to increase in inventory levels that increases the opportunity cost.
Retailers for this reason will have to maintain an optimal level of inventory, so that they can meet the customer demand and also the services level should be literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector its best the products which are high in demand should be replenished [24].
According to Eltantawy et al. In the context of supply chain lead time is defined as, whenever customer place an order for any product or services then from the time the customer orders to the time customer receives the product or services is called lead time, if it is not final product or an intermediary say work in progressso here lead time is the time taken to actually manufacture the order without any inventory other than raw material, if it studied from the point of view of manufacturing then it is very simple that the definition will remain the same but it will also incorporate time taken by the supplier to ship the raw material, stated by Job Louis Mfwaya [25].
Lead time is the time which is spend between the ordering and the receiving the order, the time can be different for different products as it depends on the nature of the product as products can be made to order or it can readily be available for the shelf.
Nordas et al. If the delivery is known and also demand is known then lead time is not a problem as everything is known, but if demand is not known then lead time is costly even though the customer knows about the delivery. If the forecasting is not done accurately then lead time can create problems as products are not on the shelves resulting in the loss of the customers and also loss of sales indirectly.
And if there the forecasting is not done properly and the future demand is overstated then it will also be result costly as first of all there literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector high holding cost and the products on shelves will take longer then they will be sold on discounts. So according to Nordas et al. That also requires the level of safety stock to increase, due to which the cycle time increases and the forecasting becomes less and less accurate [26], literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector.
The difference in lead time can incur for items which are in the purchased list and the ones which are manufactured in house. According to Zhangone of the factor which is the reason for longer lead time is the machine breakdown, as the machine repairing will take time and results in longer lead time [13].
The most important factor which effects lead time variability is planning. As Alp and Johnstated that when inventory is kept at different points in supply chain then it will work as reducing the risk factor when there is variation in demand. According to Atallah as there is globalization and there is a global economic integration, companies are creating alliances.
The concepts of national borders are decreasing and trade has increased all over the world. So all these developments requires the mode of transport to be changed as this will also affect the lead time [27]. In a study conducted by Hopp et al. Lead time variability can be reduced if the work is done in small amount as this will also result in even workflow [28].
According to Teimoury et al. And supply chain incorporates the transporters, retailers and the customer as well. And as the supply chain gets more and more difficult because of demand fluctuation, which results in the variability of the time taken for the processing.
When the queue control and its management is done effectively in the organization then uncertainty also reduce, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector. A study conducted by Waterz,there are many functions involved in any organization, but there is a function which is called logistics which has the responsibility of the flowing of materials from the supplier into the organization, through the operations within the organization [23].
In the same study Waterzalso stated that almost every organization move material from one point to another point, this operation is literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector main factor which is the reason of value creation in any organization, and then operations for the conversion of raw material into finished goods and then after finished goods are produced, then those finished goods are delivered to the customers [23].
So the material which comes into the organization form the supplier is called the inbound or inwards logistics, and on the other hand the material which is sent out of the organization to the customers is known as outbound or outwards logistics.
So may it be inward logistics, or may it be the movement within the company or the outward logistics, all this comes under logistics. A study conducted by Calipner, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, [30] sometimes there are other materials while transporting including pallets, delivery boxes, cable reels and containers all there are returned to the supplier as these are reusable.
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Aug 08, · Customer satisfaction is a metric that measures how happy customers are with a business’s products, services, and capabilities. It’s a reflection of how a customer feels when interacting with your brand: poor customer satisfaction leads to negative reviews, while satisfied customers will help you build your brand Jan 01, · Thus, gaining customer trust is a tough job in the telecom sector. Consequently, customer satisfaction is one of the most significant predictors of customer trust (Rasheed and Abadi, ), which is an indispensable factor in a successful long term relationship. Wu () found a direct link between satisfied customers and trust in online shopping Sep 23, · The aim of this paper was to examine the role of organizational justice and leadership behavior orientation in predicting job satisfaction by focusing on three organizational justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) and two leadership behavior orientations (task and relations-oriented behaviors). The empirical research was conducted in Croatia, during
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