A thesis, or dissertation (abbreviated diss.), is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate.. This is the typical arrangement in Doctoral Program Overseen by the Office for Graduate Studies, the C&IS doctoral program provides a multidisciplinary approach to the study of communication and information sciences. You will work with world leaders in sports communication, health communication, emerging media and more to choose your plan of study and advance your individual Statement of the Problem (1 slide) Literature Review (1 slide) Purpose of the Study (1 slide) Research Question(s) (1 slide) Sample and Population/ Instrumentation (1 slide) Data Collection/ Data Analysis (1 slide) Your research questions and findings (1 slide per question) Implications for Practice (1 slide) Recommendations for Research (1 slide)
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You will work with world leaders in sports communication, health communication, emerging media and more to choose your plan of study and advance your individual line of inquiry. You can b build your own plan of student or select a concentration in areas in which PhDs are in high demand: Applied Communication, Book and Publishing Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Media Processes and Effects, Rhetoric and Political Discourse, or Social Justice and Inclusion Advocacy.
Students looking to approve alternate core classes virtually can do so by clicking here. Descriptions of Fall Doctoral Seminars are available here as examples of doctoral coursework.
The interdisciplinary plan of study allows students to craft a curricular plan unique to their skills and interests while the concentrations provide students an opportunity to earn distinction through a prescribed suite of courses preparing them to contribute to the academe as distinguished scholars and teachers at a variety of institutions across the globe.
Alongside the concentrations, the program emphasizes three signature areas of interdisciplinary research: emergent media, health communication, and sports communication. A core group of world-class graduate faculty across various disciplines focus their research agendas around these doctoral dissertation purpose statement areas.
Students who take the interdisciplinary approach or select a concentration are encouraged to pursue their own research agendas in tandem with their coursework, with many individuals combining interests. Common pathways include researching health while completing coursework in media processes and effects or interpersonal communication, examining sports media alongside applied communication courses, or investigating emergent media in the context of our social justice and inclusion advocacy curriculum.
The skills and publications developed through researching alongside our faculty prepare graduates to become noteworthy scholars in their chosen fields. At the same time, doctoral students benefit by having access to word-class research and teaching facilities and to more than 70 graduate faculty members. Doctoral students have opportunities to develop a teaching portfolio through teaching undergraduate classes aligned with their research interests, including courses in advertising, communication studies, creative media, information technology, journalism, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, leadership communication, mass communication, media studies, rhetoric, public speaking, and public relations.
The pedagogical mentoring and teaching experiences provided to our doctoral students prepare them to succeed in the professoriate. The Graduate School website provides a great deal of information about graduate education across the university. Details about program requirements for the doctoral program in Communication and Information Sciences can be found in the University Graduate Catalog. The Graduate School of The University of Alabama administers admissions for the entire University.
Applicants to the doctoral program in communication and information sciences must meet the admission criteria of the Graduate School of The University of Alabama and those stated below. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, throughout the year, for fall, spring, and summer entry. Consideration will be given to individuals with advanced degrees in other fields if they can make clear cases showing how their previous graduate work would apply to doctoral study in communication and information sciences.
Applicants may be considered for regular admission if they have an undergraduate GPA of 3. International applicants must score at least 90 on the TOEFL iBT language proficiency exam and also score at least 24 on the speaking and writing sections of the iBT exam.
International applicants who meet these criteria may also be invited to participate in a videoconference with the college application review committee.
Applicants may be considered for admission on a permission-to-continue basis if they do not meet the GPA criterion for regular admission. Applicants are not required to submit graduate admission test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination GRE.
Doctoral dissertation purpose statement who wish to be considered for admission must specify their disciplinary interest in library and information studies and elaborate regarding their research interests in library and information studies in their statement of purpose.
The College of Communication and Information Sciences offers a limited number of graduate assistantships to qualified students along with nominating students for University-wide fellowships. The majority of of our doctoral dissertation purpose statement time doctoral students are supported with assistantships or fellowships.
Moreover, our assistantship assignments aim to provide students with experience both as teachers and as research assistants.
Students are not type-cast or pigeon-holed into research or teaching tracks. Instead, students supported with assistantships devote their effort in roughly equal proportion to research and teaching. The assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis to individuals who can best aid the institution in achieving its research and instructional missions.
Students interested in graduate assistantships should apply by November 1 for spring semester applications and by February 15 for fall semester applications. In most years, financial support is not available for students who plan a summer entry.
Prospective students who desire financial support are encouraged to apply for fall or spring entry. Additional information about financial aid is at The Doctoral dissertation purpose statement of Alabama Graduate School website. Complete a prescribed set of coursework in a specific content area that prepares you as a scholar and teacher in positions focusing on:, doctoral dissertation purpose statement.
The concentration in Applied Communication will give you the background to understand the academic study of strategic communication management. The coursework in this concentration is designed to examine how the academic inquiry of persuasive communication can guide practice, specifically focusing on advertising, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, persuasion and public relations theory. You will gain knowledge in theories related to strategic communication management in a variety of settings, including corporate, health, nonprofit, sports and politics.
You will gain expertise in approaching industry-driven communication problems through a scholarly lens. The past and future of books and other published artifacts, and the processes of their generation and dissemination. Health Communication at The University of Alabama is concerned with the role of communication, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, persuasion, stakeholder relationships, and mediated information in shaping the understanding, promotion, and practice of individual and community health, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, illness, and healing.
Students in Health Communication can study a wide range of health communication topics, including doctoral dissertation purpose statement relationships, mediated presentations and representations of health information, development and analysis of health campaigns, communication by health organizations, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, and cultural approaches to health.
Students learn the theoretical and methodological foundations necessary to conduct cutting-edge health communication research and engage in community-based projects designed to improve the health and well-being of their communities.
Health Communication at The University of Alabama combines communication studies, media effects, journalism, information science, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, advertising, and public relations to create a truly interdisciplinary program, doctoral dissertation purpose statement. Along with coursework, students in Health Communication also have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on health communication projects as well as in the Doctoral dissertation purpose statement Communication Lab and the Standardized Patient Communication Lab.
The Interpersonal Communication concentration provides doctoral students with a theoretical and methodological foundation in the study of verbal and nonverbal communication in contexts related to interpersonal interaction, personal relationships, family relationships, diversity and inclusion as well as health and mediated contexts.
Students will gain knowledge in the history, empirical developments, and practical applications of interpersonal communication research. The training in this concentration emphasizes intellectual and methodological diversity including social scientific, humanistic, and critical approaches as well as quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methodologies.
Our facilities, Human Communication Research Lab, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, Standardized Patient Laboratory, Focus Group Lab, Child Media Lab, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, and Psychophysiology Lab offer a variety of resources to conduct original student and collaborative research with faculty.
This concentration aligns with ongoing research opportunities affiliated with the campus-wide, interdisciplinary collaborative Interpersonal Research Group IRG and the Alabama Life Institute.
The University of Alabama is recognized as one of the pioneering programs in the field of media processes and effects. Our list of faculty and alumni include top names in the field, including past and present editors of journals such as Doctoral dissertation purpose statement Research, Media Psychology and the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication.
Through coursework and hands-on experience in research labs, students in the Media Processes and Effects concentration gain insight into the processes behind the creation of mass media content and the mechanisms by which media exposure affects beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behavior. Students are afforded access to state-of-the-art research facilities, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, including psychophysiological equipment, a movie theater, and a lab dedicated to the analysis of big data and social media networks.
Research concerning media processes and effects has examined issues such as violence, sex, prejudice and politics. Rhetoric and Political Discourse is a civically oriented PhD concentration focusing on the power of communication to shape identities, communities, nation states, and public culture.
The program embraces intentionally flexible conceptualizations of rhetoric and communication in order to account for a doctoral dissertation purpose statement variety of political phenomena in verbal, visual, acoustic, and digital contexts.
Faculty regularly publish research in highly reputable journals and specialize in a wide range of areas, including deliberation, propaganda, war, public memory, gender, argumentation, protest, and persuasion. Courses are designed to provide a robust interpretive, critical, historical, and theoretical foundation tailored to individual student interests. Students will establish expertise in classical and contemporary approaches to the study of rhetoric and political discourse and apply those traditions to the myriad ways communication both contributes to and resolves contemporary problems.
Students are encouraged to challenge disciplinary and methodological doctoral dissertation purpose statement by taking complementary courses in Gender and Race Studies, Education, English, Political Science, and Religious Studies. The ultimate aim of the concentration is to develop engaged citizen-scholars equipped doctoral dissertation purpose statement the skills to understand, critique, and invent influential communication.
The study of social justice and inclusion advocacy, through the lens of information and communication, aims to foster fairness, equality, and empowerment among diverse peoples, especially for those on the margins of society. This area of study concentrates on investigating the role of information, communication, and emerging technologies, as intellectual and action-driven spaces, in promoting research and public engagement.
In particular, this concentration of doctoral dissertation purpose statement provides opportunities to explore the role of information-communication intersections to advance social justice objectives and to make the world a better place for all.
The Social Justice and Inclusion Advocacy concentration provides theoretical and methodological foundations to redefine scholarship for information and communication researchers and practitioners and to cultivate a new vision doctoral dissertation purpose statement research, one that is action-oriented, community-engaged, and inclusive in its spirit to make a difference in real-world experiences. In their coursework, students examine the development of information and communication infrastructures, technologies, institutions, and polices as sites of power that harbor and support inequalities.
Students draw on a broad array of scholarly and practical literature from information, communication, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, and interdisciplinary sources to explore what socially just outcomes and interventions might look like in their chosen areas of study and disciplinary backgrounds.
Using the conceptual foundations of information and communication scholarship to scrutinize current social practice, students are able to investigate how to develop better social systems for traditionally underserved populations. They also have the opportunity to advance social justice scholarship within varied contexts of selected information and communication environments and community settings, as well as to integrate theories and methods of social justice and inclusion advocacy to address inequities in our global networked information society.
Interpret the theoretical and methodological frameworks from your coursework through the lens of three signature research areas: emergent media, health communication, or sports communication, or consider partnering with individual faculty who focus on various other research agendas. Faculty and students pursue research on social media, mobile communication, online interaction, and user-generated content.
We utilize big data, research laboratories, and local partnerships to advance understandings of emergent media content, its production and dissemination, and its role in public reasoning. Health communication research is one of the fastest-growing areas of investigation in communication. The College has a variety of research facilities and laboratory teams in which faculty and students collaborate on a wide range of health communication projects.
The University of Alabama produces more research in the area of sports communication than any American institution. Doctoral students are highly engaged in seminars and collaborative research projects focusing on the role of sports within all forms of the communication discipline.
The Ph. in Communication and Information Sciences is a research-intensive program designed to prepare communication scholars for positions of leadership in education, public service, media and other communication-related fields.
The three- to four-year, in-residence program features a highly customizable, interdisciplinary curriculum that spans the fields doctoral dissertation purpose statement communication and information sciences. You will work with our award-winning graduate faculty to create a plan of study and advance your knowledge and skills in communication and information sciences.
Meet the Students! For the most up-to-date curriculum requirements, please visit the Graduate Catalog. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3, doctoral dissertation purpose statement. A doctoral student whose grade point average falls below 3. A student on academic warning will not be permitted to apply for admission to candidacy and may not hold an assistantship, doctoral dissertation purpose statement.
Students who are dropped from the program may petition the college for readmission. A preliminary examination is required of all doctoral students. The examination must be completed at least six months before the degree is awarded, doctoral dissertation purpose statement. Sixteen hours are set aside for the examination, four hours for each division theory, methods, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, concentration or focused area of study, and cognate.
The exams are closed book exams, that is, doctoral dissertation purpose statement, students answer the exam questions without reference material or internet access.
The exams must be taken on campus, on four consecutive working days one day for each of the four question areas. The oral portion of the examination required will be scheduled as quickly as possible following the written examination.
Immediately following the oral examination, the examination committee will convene to determine whether the student has passed, must perform additional work to demonstrate understanding of competency in one or more areas, or has failed the examination.
In the case of a clear failure, the re-examination must take place after six months and before twelve months have elapsed. Each of the four portions of the preliminary examination may be taken only twice. The examining committee will rule either pass or fail on the second examination. The University of Alabama recognizes that doctoral students should be immersed in advanced study and inquiry, interact extensively and meaningfully with faculty and peers, engage with the academic community in their field, and have access to the educational resources of the university.
How to Write a Purpose Statement for My Dissertation
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The Purpose of the Study illustrates what the study will do, which should reflect the statement of the problem. Doctoral students have often started the dissertation process by declaring that they want to do a quantitative or qualitative study or that they are going to use a certain survey or interview protocol before they have considered "Doctoral Dissertation Research: Signed Statement from the Principal Investigator (42 USC ). The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all Statement of the Problem (1 slide) Literature Review (1 slide) Purpose of the Study (1 slide) Research Question(s) (1 slide) Sample and Population/ Instrumentation (1 slide) Data Collection/ Data Analysis (1 slide) Your research questions and findings (1 slide per question) Implications for Practice (1 slide) Recommendations for Research (1 slide)
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