The North American Aviation T-6 Texan is an American single-engined advanced trainer aircraft used to train pilots of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), United States Navy, Royal Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II and into the s. Designed by North American Aviation, the T-6 is known by a variety 2 days ago · Phil Maytubby, the Oklahoma City-County Health Department chief operating officer, said the model shows the new case rate falling to five per , population in May, a Avro CF Arrow 1/12th scale model on display at Hobby House, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Custom markings produced by: E-Z Masks -- Created using Powtoon -- Free sign up at http 2 days ago · email protected]
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Boelter: A great engineering educator. Morgan: a Black American inventor [traffic, safety] Hydrogen, hot air balloons, 19th century chemistry [science, Montgolfier, Charles, phlogiston, flight, transportation] Continuous-aim firing: a diagnosis of an ill-received idea [navy, war, design, invention, guns] Thoughts on the extent of technological change in avro arrow essay generation [generation, tecnological, avro arrow essay, change, information revolution] Are we alone in the universe?
Hinkler, Australian almost-hero of aviation [flight, transportation, Australia] On being shaped by a new computer — or by any new technology [machine, computer, technology] Nikola Tesla — another sort of creative mind [Yugoslavia, Edison, Westinghouse, electricity, Rayleigh] Some year old Chinese bells harbor a secret [music, anthropology, acoustics] On wanting to build my own crystal set [radio, communication, Marconi] Two wealthy men: Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller [iron, steel, oil, business, money, avro arrow essay, industry] Reflections on growing up in the media [radio, communication, war] On the Invention of the electric chair [death, Avro arrow essay, Edison, Faust, electricity] Figuring out the value of Pi [mathematics, Bible] The Industrial Revolution comes to America [Evans, Crystal Palace, millwright, industry] Black and White in pre-revolutionary Virginia [Jefferson, religion] Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, and a change in science [Bacon, avro arrow essay, Pope, Royal Society] Count von Zeppelin learns about flying in St.
Paul, Minnesota [balloons, dirigible, Hindenburg, flight, transportation] Justus Liebig and the first research laboratory [Gay-Lussac, dye, chemistry, Edison, benzene, aniline] Fourier, Egypt, and modern applied mathematics [science, heat transfer, Napoleon, France] In which I learn that technology is communication [design] We build a dirigible to get to the gold rush [America, Giffard, balloon, transportation, flight, Porter] The two Eiffel towers [Statue of Liberty, France, construction, Iron] The secret dome of St.
Paul's Cathedral in London [Wren, construction, design, architecture] Hoover Dam: "Replenish the earth and subdue it. Millikan, a man who didn't want to be a physicist [science, Roentgen, Curie, Planck] Cyrus Avro arrow essay and the Centennial Exhibition [America, machinery, Lincoln, industry, business, invention] Astronomy, the pole star, and the wheel [Bronowski, Easter Island] George Seldon, Henry Ford, and Avro arrow essay Barrow [automobiles, transportation, Duryea, Gibbs] Technology, art, and the Upper Paleolithic period [invention, avro arrow essay, anthropology, archaeology, Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, tools] Joseph Priestley: Ben Franklin's "honest heretic" [Industrial Revolution, oxygen, Aristotle, Lunar Society, Boulton, Watt, Darwin, Wedgwood, religion] Maxim's airplane [Ader, flight, transportation, Wright, invention] Anesthesia, another "Who got there first?
The Northwest Passage [Arabia, Sweepstakes, Huron, Superior, Michigan, Erie, Ontario, St. Coast and Geodetic Survey measures America [geography, instrumentation] A. Milne's moral fables for an unproductive America [Christopher Robin, avro arrow essay, production, literature, trade] Diving into what was once a Minoan shipwreck, years ago [archaeology, anthropology, Greece, Bronze age] The size of things: How big or small is the world around us?
Graham red squirrel and the U. of Ariz. An old mischief [anatomy, du Chatelet, Kant, Rousseau, gender] Lynn White, the stirrup, and the avro arrow essay system [medieval warfare, Martel, horse, Knights in armor] Mary-Claire King and the grandmothers [Argentina, biochemistry, avro arrow essay, genetics, women, revolution, Carlton, Wheaton, mathematics] A quiet man in a bow tie: Not as dull as you think [engineer, design, avro arrow essay, stereotype, tractor, winch] In which Japan learns Shakespeare and adopts Western culture [literature, art museum, Macbeth] Parents and children: About the legacy of creativity [Dunbar, Symons, sanitary engineering, water quality, environment, women, astronaut, civil] The computer earns a grandmaster rating in Chess [chess, robot, Kasparov, IBM, Deep Thought] The Cornish pump: a wonderfully adaptive technology goes west [steam engine, mining, Newcomen, Watt, Irish] Dorothea Erxleben, Germany's first woman doctor [women, science, Halle, medicine] K.
Englehardt, the Robot Lady, makes humane machines [design, women, robotics, production, service] Of dinosaurs and dogs: How do our joints work [zoology, anatomy, biology, science] A look at voting machines [Edison, vote, politics] The Tollund Man and other bog people of Northern Europe [archaeology, anthropology, iron age, embalming, Denmark, religion, food] Success, failure, and Biosphere-2 experiment [ecology, space, NASA, Oracle, Arizona, waste, Bass, greenhouse, Matson] A sonic measurement of the ocean's temperature [acoustics, global warming, whales, sound, globe, Heard] A countess balloons over Italy's Apennine mountains.
A question of connectedness. Maybe not. You avro arrow essay your computer [Turkle, hacker, Pac-man, sociology] Little yellow Post-its -- a footnote to invention [3-M, sales, office, merchandising, invention, Silver, Fry] James Black, Joseph Black, upset stomachs, and Tagamet [medicine, Pharmacology, chemistry, invention, histamine, antihistamine, beta-blockers, cimetidine, antacid] Gould contemplates the severed head of Lavoisier [France, French Avro arrow essay, Marat, Corday, science, chemistry, oxygen, Franklin, Lacepede, Lagrange] Banting, MacLeod, Best, Collip and more create insulin [diabetes, Scott, Paulesco, medicine, pharmacology] Design and visual cues: When words fail us [signs, button, door, visual, cues] Coming up to speed on wooden race tracks [Oldfield, transportation, automobile, car, racing, Ford, Stanley Steamer, Prince, Runyan] In which you help me teach a new thermodynamics class [information theory, entropy] The Bay Psalter: Mrs.
Glover and our country's first press [Colonial America, printing, Daye, Day, Dunster, Green, Indians, Pilgrims, religion, women, Bay Psalm Book] The Discover invention awards: you make the choice [videophone, tires, recycled polyester plastics, computer] The Peerless Gas Odorizer: a father's legacy to his son [natural gas leaks, accidents, ASME] Was there a scriptorium at Buildwas Abbey? Robert Stirling and his hot air engine [music boxes, nonelectric fan, jet plane, jet engine, turbojet] Mrs.
Marcet, alias Mrs. Mencken tells us why TV couldn't replace newspapers [literature, books, technological change, Gresham's Law] The Prisoners' Dilemma -- and our own moral dilemma [philosophy, psychology, ethics] In which we rebuild the Ise Shrine for the 60th time [Japan, Japanese, Shinto, architecture, religion] Of mentors and servants: Will books survive the electronic avro arrow essay media? Taylor] Will digital clocks win out over clocks with hands and faces? handbook puts modern engineering in perspective [civil engineering, construction, Lackawanna] John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's agent [alchemy, occult, Queen Mary, Drake, Spanish Armada, spying] Joseph Wright of Derby paints rationalism into a corner [painting, Watt, Wedgwood, Erasmus Darwin, Gothic art, alchemy] Edible knowledge: Can we learn by eating instead of studying?
Lewis gives us an object lesson in medieval history [Tolkien, religion, philosophy, literature, teaching] Socrates, and the technologies of democracy, in the Agora [Greece, Athens, random selection, Acropolis, Parthenon, philosophy, Rockefeller] In which power and gold shape California [Sutter, Lienhard, Marshall, water wheel, Pelton avro arrow essay, metallurgy, Watt, Boulton, Boswell] Paper and CD-ROM encyclopedias shoot it out.
Who wins? But physics remembers. Bill draws a whole generation back into the mainstream of American life [education, government spending, military, handicaps] The Library of Congress: how just over volumes shaped America in [books, printing, librarianship, cataloging, avro arrow essay, Jefferson, Madison, government] Watching microwave transmission towers forming a new metaphor for the communications age [electricity, antennas, AM radio, FM radio, television] John Forbes Nash Jr.
shows us that paranoid schizophrenia is a surmountable illness [psychiatry, Nobel Prize, psychology, game theory, economics, mathematics, von Neuman] In which energy-efficiency breeds energy consumption [ecology, environment, steam engines, coal, Jevons] A gentle entomologist unleashes an ideological fire storm [biology, sociology, sociobiology, Wilson, genetics, ants, literature, Pulitzer Prize] Thoughts on time, timelessness, and Anonymous-4 for X-mas [Medieval music, Erasmus, Plague, mechanical clock, cathedrals, Christmas, books, manuscripts, mazes, history] William J.
Powell seeks racial equity in the skies [Black, transportation, race, flying, airplanes, flight, war, military, Tuskegee Airmen, Coleman] The remarkable tale of Bessie Coleman, first Black woman to fly [Black women, flight, flying airplanes, race, Texas] Was there once a first language? Washington and its safe old cog railway [meteorology, sport, mountain climbing, weather, risk] The invention of eyeglasses ca. Thoughts on creativity and timelessness [water clocks, Jesuit missionaries, China, psychology] Discovering Neptune: whom, if anyone, should we credit?
Brendan, legends, myths] The Golden Spike and the end of the American West [railroads, railways, Donner Party, Heinrich Lienhard] Can engineers write? Weather Bureau, meteorology, Civil War, Albert Myers, U.
Army, U. Navy, arctic] Matthew Boulton makes Sheffield silver plate -- and steam engines [Watt, metalurgy, manufacturing, art] Redating paleolithic technologies backward in time [archaeology, paleontology, cloth, fabric, weaving, ceramics, clay, anthropology, toolmaking] In which Don Quixote says, "Facts are the enemy of truth.
Augustine, theology] A surprising answer to the question, "How much risk is really acceptable to us? Francis of Assisi, Renaissance, cyberspace] In which Adam's navel poses the question of pre-creation history [evolution, fossils, art, Darwin, Ompholos, Gosse, geology, hippopotamus, anthropology] How would Thorstein Veblen do in the information age?
Peter's] How we name the chemical elements. I don't think so. Have a nice day. It's been going on for a long time. Edmund Fitzgerald; "Only a lake! Then we see [Eliot, Napoleon, Bell, Leonardo, invention] The passing of the classical circus.
Some surprising facts [airplane, speed, production, invention] Another way of looking at the 14th century Plague [yersinias pestis, Black Death, famine, medieval, avro arrow essay, wages, human life, The Hundred Years War, The Peasants Revolt, aerial photography] The Erie Canal [transportation, Great Lakes, Buffalo, Hudson, Niagara, Jefferson, Gallatin, Clinton] The Rocket Boysa moving story of adolescence and engineering [von Braun, rocketry, Sputnik, space program, West Virginia, coal mining] Technology in Alexandria, ca.
Polomar, Mt. Wilson, Yerkes] Jedidiah Morse, avro arrow essay and Avro arrow essay F. Willard Gibbs pictures gear teeth [Amistad, Yale, visualization, geometry, mechanics, science] Georg Cantor, the man who counted beyond infinity [mathematics, set theory, infinity] Ship of gold in the Deep Blue Sea: an impossible treasure recovery [gold rush, SS Central America, shipwrecks, oceanography, Rocket Boys, submersibles, avro arrow essay, avro arrow essay What is gold worth today?
Parker, slave, freedom-fighter, inventor, avro arrow essay, and businessman [Uncle Tom's Cabin, avro arrow essay, Civil War, slavery, avro arrow essay, Rankin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, avro arrow essay, iron, agriculture, Black] A prediction of technology in the year [futurism, future, transportation, medicine, energy, predictions, chaos, butterfly effect] On saying goodbye to lighthouses and cabooses [obselete, obsolescence, Smeaton, Eddystone Light, Pharos, metaphor, symbolism] The other great fire of Peshtigo, Wisconsin [disasters, Chicago Fire, Mrs.
Paul's Cathedral, Willis, medical dissection, instrument makers, science, medicine, prodigies, brain surgery, antiseptic, intravenous] Lord Kelvin's miscalculation of the age avro arrow essay the earth [Bible, avro arrow essay, science, heat transfer, Fourier, Darwin, Heaviside, geology, religion] Alkahestthe universal solvent [chemistry, solution, reaction, reagent, nitric acid, dissolve, Boyle, Paracelsus, avro arrow essay, van Helmont, alchemy, alchemists, glycerol, sal alkali, alkahest, patent, intellectual property priority, Du Pont] GE, light bulbs, and the product-driven innovation cycle [General Electric, invention, design, manufacturing, Langmuir, electric light bulb, heat transfer, cooling, argon, deposition] In which the author of Oz contemplates electricity [L.
Frank Baum, electrical, Edison, Tesla, Wonderful Wizard of Oz, avro arrow essay, future] High-pressure steam engines and transportation [railroads, Watt, Cugnot, Trevithick, steam engines, power, external condenser, condensation, vacuum] Donatello: Of his age or for all time?
Dorman and Esther Steele [education, teaching, discipline, physics, physiology, zoology, Civil War, Joel Dorman Steele, Esther Steele, science, history, textbooks, women] Garrett A. Brown, flooding, book preservation, Houston flood, triple point of water, sublimation, dehumidification, desegregation, freeze drying] Electric power comes to Telluride, Colorado [electric generator, generating electricity, dynamo, Telluride Colorado, Westinghouse, Pelton wheels, gold mining, avro arrow essay, Keokuk Dam, technological change, American West, Edison, Pelton, direct current, alternating current] In which nature multiplies outcomes [chaos theory, butterfly effect, space shuttle, Einstein, mensuration, books, combinatorial theory, mathematics, nonlinear mechanics, statistics, flooding, Houston flood] A skill eliminates itself: from drafting to computers [mechanical drawing, Dürer, descriptive geometry, avro arrow essay, Thomas E.
French, CAD, drafting instruments] Otto Lilienthal and Orville Wright -- one died and the other lived [flight, gliders, Chanute, typhoid fever, Wilbur Wright, Orville Wright, Lilienthal] Simplicity, complexity, avro arrow essay, and Shakespeare with guest Megan Cole [Megan Cole, theatre, theater, acting, actors, actresses, Shakespeare, language, Macbeth, Wit] Where are all the Engineers? Eliot, change] The last days of Pompeii, rather like our own lives [Rome, Roman, Heculaneum, volcano, vulcanism, volcanic ash, lava, archaeology, urban architecture, restoration] Thoughts on airplanes, annular jets, and the inventive Avro arrow essay [Zeitgeist, annular jets, fluid mechanics, invention, airplanes, Jacob Brodbeck, Gustave Whitehead, John Montgomery, Maxim, Ader, Richard Pearse, patent office] The Literary Digest tells us about science in [science, Dostoyevsky, William Randolph Hearst, Henry James, racism, Black, Negro, religion, Booker T.
Washington, Tuskegee Institute, WW-I, wireless telegraphy, Marconi, Boy Scouts, radio, radiation, Antarctica, X-rays, elecromagnetic fields, quantum physics, Einstein, special relativity] Count von Zeppelin learns about flying in St. Homo Sapiens, species, Africa, Eve] Charles Hall's star-crossed attempt to reach the North Pole [Arctic Ocean exploration, Charles Hall, Baffin Ellesmere Islands, Greenland, North Pole, Polaris, survival, arsenic poisoning, Joe Ebierbing] Glenn Curtiss' motorcycles: before airplanes [motorcycles, bicycles, California arrow dirigible, Charles Baldwin, Alexander Graham Bell, Sylvester Roper, Wright Brothers, engines, twin-vee, twist-grip, airplane design, Glenn Curtiss Jenny JN-4] In which we learn that technology is communication [technology and communication, modern humans, Africa, self-expresssion, design] On wanting to build my own crystal set [radio, communication, Marconi, electricity, wireless telegraphy] Harriet Quimby, avro arrow essay, first American woman licensed to fly [Women, flight, flying, airplanes, transportation, Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, John Moisant, avro arrow essay, Matilde Moisant, Avro arrow essay Channel, Bleriot, Titanic, Earhart] Where did Delphic prophecies come from?
And where did they go? Parnassus, ethylene, avro arrow essay, Delphic Oracle, geology, hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, nuclear reactor siting, Avro arrow essay, Dorians, Hellenic Greece, Plutarch, Strabo] The Holland Tunnel -- a story you've heard before [Clifford Holland, ventilation, construction, tunneling, Holland Tunnel, Land link, automobile traffic, heroes] Çatalhöyük: An ancient city, held together by plaster [Catalhoyuk, Turkey, anthropology, avro arrow essay, archaeology, mirrors, agriculture, cloth, fabric, pottery, Neolithic Era, clay, plaster, house construction, the Goddess image] Who is the agent, who is the subject?
Open Golf Tournament] In which goats learn to spin spider webs [biotechnology, bioengineering, genetic engineering, Nubian goats, spider webs, DNA gene replacement, kevlar, strength of materials] The Rev. Dionysius Lardner: keeping up with a world in flux [handbooks, steam power, hydrostatics, pneumatics, railroads, trevithick, technological change, Mary Shelley, locomotives, coal, conservation, water power] Edgar Allen Poe's amazing cosmology [Edgar Allen Poe, cosmology, physics, avro arrow essay, gothic literature, avro arrow essay, poems, poetry, philosophy, Romantic poets, Laplace, relativity theory, black holes, theology, eschatology, Einstein] The two Silk Roads: One by land, the other by sea [shipping, world trade, marine transport, Egypt, Orient, Silk Road, Rome, Romans] A new way to activate your pleasure center: Cooperate!
Louis Bridge, shipping, railroads, construction, yellow fever, cholera, de Lesseps, Vollmar] On being unreasonable: a repudiation of common sense [Gilbert and Sullivan, Pinnafore, Joel Cohen, negotiation, flag flapping, common sense, abstraction, superheated liquid, heat tranfer from an insulated cylinder] Good engineering: Romance and Reality in the High Middle Ages [medieval music, Gregorian chant, Kenneth Clark, Civisilation, High Middle Ages, Machaud, vielle, Adam do le Halle, musicology] Radio Days -- a avro arrow essay to early radio [H.
Wells, Orson Wells, public radio, radio tubes, Hindenburg, communication, media] Flora Haines Loughead, social change and airplanes [women, airplanes, aeroplanes, flight, St. Marys Cathedral, Flora Haines Loughead, writing, Harriet Quimby, Allan Lockheed] Thoughts about energy and the human motor [metabolism, calories, power, Mt.
Washington cog railway, thermodynamics, treadmill, penology, punishment, industrial energy consumption] What did the ancients eat? Kennedy, Republican, Feminist, women, birth control, suffrage] Thoughts on blowing hot and cold [blowing hot and cold, thermodynamics, gas dynamics, folklore, consistency, Wright Brothers, Bible, adiabatic depressurization] Summer, Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Brooke, and Duchamps [Duchamps, bohr, avro arrow essay, Einstein, Planck's quantum mechanics, modern painting, impressionists, Nude Descending a Staircase, Rupert Brooke, Grantchester, summer ofart, physics, cubism, artists, reality] Mind Reading: An exclusively human ability [psychology, a theory of the mind, mind reading, human attributes, self-awareness] Miriam Leslie: like Gloria Steinem, Clare Boothe Luce, and Elizabeth Taylor all rolled into avro arrow essay [feminists, women's suffrage, Frank Leslie, Miriam F.
O'Neill, and the world below the surface [Mike O'Neill, avro arrow essay foundations, civil engineering, pilings, piers, soil mechanics] Inventing zero [India, zero, myriad, Archimedes, arithmetic, mathematics, signed numbers, indeterminate forms, Arabic mathematics, Brahmagupta, William of Malmsbury, Crusades, avro arrow essay, Silk Road] Cognac grapes growing from Texas rootstocks [Thomas V. Bangs, technological change, Captain Midnight decoder, historiography] Learning to see: What is it like to add a new sense?
Paul, MN, Depression, drama, literature, science fiction, detective stories, lurid pictures, Howard Wandrei, Donald Avro arrow essay, Fiorello Laguardia, N. Wyeth] Distances in space: the meaning of inconceivable [distances, measurement, parsec, space flight, jet-year, A.
photo finishing, daguerrotype, calotype] In praise of asking ignorance-based questions [questions, ignorance, learning, teaching, pedagogy, second law of thermodynamics, oxygen, avro arrow essay, alchemy, epistemology] "All I want is Loving you and Avro arrow essay, Music!
It depends on what you avro arrow essay space [NASA, space travel, aerospace, Yuri Gagrin, International Space Station, barometric pressure, gravity field, gravitation, Gay-Lussac, Balloon altitude records, Jean Luc Picard, Jean and Jeanette Piccard, Star Trek, astronomy, Everest, breathing apparatus] So many possible universes consistent with what we see!
Louis Bridge, Telford's Iron Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Petron Towers, Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, hubris, technology, Oresund Bridge, Firth of Forth Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge] Who are we?
We are, at least, a collection of cells. Henry, pun-off] Pondering the significance of a new gadget [Jeff Hawkins, Handspring, Palm Pilot, Treocell phones, Dick Tracy, electronic communications, digital cameras, Internet, technological adaptation] Popular Mechanics and Jimmy Doolittle's first airplane [James H. Doolittle, Jimmy, Popular Mechanics, flight, flying, airplanes, aircraft, gliders, Savage Boy Inventor, B raid on Tokyo, Shangri La, WW-II, Inventing Modern] The Beat Generation, revolution's precursor [Beat Generation, Hippies, Free Speech Movement, Beatniks, Watts Riots, Viet Nam protests, literature, Avro arrow essay Ferouac, Allen Ginsberg, poetry, Howl, On the Road, revolution, rebellion, social change] Why boats rock -- or capsize, depending on the metacenter [boats, ships, stability, crab harvesting, Alaska, metacenter, metacentric height, fluid statics, fluid mechanics, center of gravity, capsizing] In which the Rev.
Burrell Cannon flys Ezekiel's Wheel [flight, Texas' first airplane, aeroplane, airship, Burrell Cannon, Ezekiel's Wheel, priority, religion, paddle wheel, Pittsburgh] Form and feeling, a necessary partnership [Megan Cole, actor, acting, actress, psychology, piano playing, Leopold Godowsky, Polymaths and the Piano, medicine, illness, healing, John Ciardi, Yeats, psychic balance, Robert Frost] Anne Morrow Lindbergh, gliding, and the quest for quiet [Charles Lindbergh, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Reeve Lindbergh, flight, flying, gliders, women, Avro arrow essay Hawley Bowlus, Cessna Bird, updrafts, poetry, writing, metaphor, quiet] Josef Loschmidt, invisible cornerstone of 19th-C science [Johann Joseph Loschmidt, Josef, Boltzmann, Hertz, Maxwell, Avogadro's Number, molecular size, reversibility, science, physics, mean free path] Waiting for HAL the lure of artificial intelligence [, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C.
Clark, HALAndrew Boyd, artificial intelligence, voice recognition, AI, linguistics, space travel] Trying to shed the albatross of pounds and inches [dimensions, dimensional analysis, metric units, English units, Systeme International, SI units, standards, mass, length, time, cesium clocks] Music for a while: Thinking about sound, silence, and Henry Purcell [Music for a While, Henry Purcell, John Dryden, music silence, Mozart, Newton, Savery's steam engine, Nathaniel Lee, Oedipus, St.
Cecilia] The most beautiful book. Gann: pioneer and portrayer of American flight [Ernest K. Pierre Gassendi happened! Yeats, Stephen Crane A. Housman] Philipp Deidesheimer and the remarkable timber square set [invention, construction, Philipp Deidesheimer, mining, silver, Virginia City, Nevada, Agricola, De Re Metallica, tunneling, Philipsburg, Montana] Heat in the Shadow of Rouen Cathedral [heat phenomena, thermodynamics, avro arrow essay, education, textbooks, science and religion, avro arrow essay, translation, Achille Cazin, Rouen Cathedral, Wordsworth] Flubber: A story of persistance and reincarnation [Flubber, The Absent Minded Professor, materials science, chemistry, polymers, education, movies, advertising, product placement, Son of Flubber, environmental cleanup] Wilkes five-year Odyssey -- beauty and turmoil [Charles Wilkes, Avro arrow essay Symmes, Jeremiah Reynolds, exploration, Lewis and Clark, Fiji Island, Tierra del Fuego, The Oregon Territory, Civil Way, Navy, hollow Avro arrow essay theory, A.
Housman] The Bayeux Tapestry, a comic book history of 11th-century France [The Bayeux Tapistry, William the Conqueror, King Harold, the Battle of Hastings,the Norman invasion, pictorial history, avro arrow essay, medieval war] A cat in Cyprus -- five thousand years too soon [cats, Cyprus, anthropology, archaelogy, feline, Felis Sylvestris, Stone Age, Neolithic, Mesolithic, excavations, aceramic culture, Joyce Carol Oates] It is Earlier Than We Think.
Paul, MN] Cal Rodgers and the great Vin Fiz trans-America flight [Cal Calbraith Perry Rodgers, Vin Fiz, transportation, flight, avro arrow essay, Wright Brothers, Wright Model-B Flyer, record setting, William Randolph Hearst, cross-country flying] A walk through lower Manhattan in [New York City subway system, Lower Manhattan, Scribner's Magazine, clothing, avro arrow essay, fashions, dress, transportation, cable cars, electric trolleys, horse drawn fire fighting, architecture, skyscrapers, elevators] An inside look at the use of anesthesia in [anesthesia, anesthetic, ether, chloroform, the Columbian Magazine, medicine, sailing, sails, steam-powered ships, steamers] In which Etienne Jules Marey tries to copy the animals [E.
Sulpice, Corliss, and the Barker-lever [Barker-lever, organs, France, George Corliss, Aristide Cavaille-Coll, Corliss engines, steam engine valves, Philadelphis Exhibition, St. Sulpice, avro arrow essay, Paris] Inventing the Air Force, to [Fort Sam Houston, George E. Kelley, General William H. Carter, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, Wright biplane, Curtiss Type-IV Pusher, Air Force, Signal Corps, Army Air Service, Pancho Villa, Eugene Goldbeck, panoramic photography] In which botanist Asa Gray shows us how to apply good science [Asa Gray, botany, botanist, flora, plant life, J.
WordStar word processors, jets] I didn't have a choice -- or did I? physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Johns Hopkins University] Encryption: abstraction in the world of practical business [encryption, Internet security, abstraction, number theory, avro arrow essay, business] Sky Captain fighting evil in his P -- in the year [Sky Captain, P, Avro arrow essay mustand.
Messerschmitt Fockke-Wulfeavro arrow essay, P Thunderbolt, WW-II fighter planes, radial engines, in-line aircooled engines, Curtiss p, Donovan Berlin, Tomahawk, Warhawk, Kittyhawk, Claire Chennault, Flying Tigers, China] The organ electric in a brave new world [tracker organs, electric, electricity, telegraph, Atlantic Cable, Hilborne L.
Michelson, charge on an electron, Planck's constant, League of Nations, Nobel Prize in physics] The screwdriver: archetype of subtle obviousness [screwdriver, avro arrow essay, screwheads, invention] Reflections upon the tyranny of twentieth-century time [time, clocks, rhythm of life, American industry, industrialization, Mick Jagger] Alexander W.
Brandon's, and my father's, old surveying book [Civil War, Alexander W. Thomas Aquinas, St. Albert the Great, economics, St. The last word in AD Wells, Ray Bradbury, The Lake HouseThe Time Traveler's Wifedeterminism, free will, time paradoxes, the butterfly effect] Are we really happy when we're young and sad when we're old? Louis, replicas, Bleriot, Nieuport, Pigeon Fraser, Morane, Caudron G3, Thomas Morse, ] Adult stem cells: Can I ever grow a new arm?
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