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Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking - blogger.com
Introduction A. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of smoking in the family. Cigarette smoking not only affects the smoker but also the others around the smoker, argument essay about smoking.
Body Discuss the issue A. Smoking is mostly caused argument essay about smoking sociocultural factors. Smoking causes cancer and other respiratory diseases. When there is a smoker in the argument essay about smoking it is most likely that the members of the family will be influenced by smoking. Cigarette smoking should be banned to decrease the health threats. Cigarette smoking is the inhalation of gases and hydrocarbon vapors generated by slowly burning tobacco in cigarettes.
The harmful substances found in cigarettes and cigars are the carbon monoxide, argument essay about smoking, nicotine, and tar. Carbon monoxide is the gas that impairs the capacity of the blood to supply adequate amounts of oxygen to the vital organs of the body and is responsible for the shortness of breath among smokers, argument essay about smoking. Nicotine is the substance that creates dependence on tobacco and is responsible in raising blood pressure and heart rate.
The tar is the brownish viscous substance found in smoke known to be a cancer-causing agent. Cigarette smoking is a major cause of preventable diseases and premature death.
Smoking has been associated with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Taking in a lot of these chemicals harms your body in severe ways. You will have incurable diseases and suffer from it, argument essay about smoking.
Order custom essay Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking with free plagiarism report. But, they do need to be aware that cigarette smoking causes harm not only to the smoker but also to the people around him. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of the smoking habits of a family member to other members of the family. Smoking is mostly caused by the sociocultural factor. They smoke because they need to fit in with their social group who smoke Cortes, It is because some think when you are smoking cigarettes, you would look cool.
For teens, they smoke because they want to attain adult status Cortes, Some teens think that if you smoke cigarettes, you would look mature because normally, adults smoke but now even teens do it. Sometimes, they learn how to smoke because of curiosity, argument essay about smoking.
A Youth Tobacco Survey by the American College of Chest Physicians ACCP Philippine Chapter has been conducted among grade school and high school students in Metro Manila, argument essay about smoking. Twenty-two per cent, practically the same as the ACCP survey s per cent, admitted to being current smokers.
Ye stated, "The tobacco or cigarette is the most substantial and successful economic enterprises " p. It provides jobs and gains taxes for the government Ye, Cigarette production greatly helps the country's economy as well as being an import and export material.
However, effects of cigarette smoking turned bad. According to BihariIt was when the first major evidence that links cigarette smoking to serious studies by Doll and Hill and Wynder and Graham The results were a drastic decline on cigarette consumption per head Bihari, Bycigarette consumption rose again, argument essay about smoking. Although there have been an increasing number of medical studies linking smoking to serious diseases such as cancer and respiratory diseases, the government began to consider measure to control smoking Bihari, Even though the government was largely swayed by the tobacco lobby, they began argument essay about smoking take action because of the pressures from anti-smoking lobby and the growing concerns of concerned people Bihari, They have already put a ban on advertising cigarettes on television and other types of Medias Mizrahy, Even from constant reminders from the media, the anti-smoking people and even the cigarette package has a warning, many people are still smoking.
A member in the family who is a smoker immediately harms other members of the family. Some of these problems can be serious and even life-threatening. However, they are not aware that it is not only them that are harmed, but also the other people around them especially their family quittersguide, Youths living in families with both parents smoking are 3.
When parents smoke, it is also most likely that the addiction will be passed from one member to another so that the whole family will be smokers. So, why won't we ban cigarette smoking and its production? It is because of production of this provides jobs and gains taxes for the government Ye, Additionally, if you ban cigarette production, circulation, buying and selling, addicted cigarette smokers will go crazy because cigarette contains nicotine which is addictive and relatively damages the brain so it will be hard to ban.
But, even if it provides jobs and gains taxes for the government which is a good thing economically, the result of the product they produce harms and kills people even though the some of the people are not into smoking. So, it would be a good thing to ban cigarettes and find a new source of income like those handmade stuff or they research about a new product to manufacture which will be a hit, at the same time not dangerous.
The government has taken 17 years when the first bill on anti-smoking was introduced in the Philippines for it to be passed into law Mercado, It should be clear that cigarette smoking should be banned in the Philippines because of the effects poses a great threat to the people.
Fortunately, some voices were heard some provisions were made that smoking will be banned in public places Tan, And, what should be done is that smoking should be discouraged to the people.
References: Bihari S, B. History of government regulation on cigarette industry. Essays on the Effect of Government Intervention on the Conduct and Performance of Cigarette Firms. A Microeconometric Analysis of Cigarette Consumption. on Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking.
Smoking Ought to be Restricted Out in the open Spots Papers. In any case, the messages are somewhat clinical, for instance: "Smoking Causes Lung Malignancy, Coronary illness, Emphysema, and May Muddle Pregnancy.
Open smoking bans appear to be colossally compelling in lessening coronary failure and, hypothetically, may likewise assist with forestalling lung malignant growth and emphysema, maladies that grow substantially more gradually than cardiovascular failures. Direct smoking duplicates the danger of coronary episode.
Recycled smoke expands the hazard by 30 percent. As per a recent report by Measurement Mind, The worldwide separation rate for masterminded relationships was 6, argument essay about smoking. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.
Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking. Free Essays - PhDessay.
com, Oct 20, Accessed October 7, comOct We live in a fast-paced world, and with each invention things speed up even more. And here it does it again. An electronic version of anything, from the e-book to. Keep Cigarette Sale and Production legal: Save the Economy Cigarette smoking dates back to the 9th century; when cigarettes were first invented in Central America, and has become a popular.
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Regular cigarette smoking has been on the decline due to many factors including price, health risks, argument essay about smoking the fact. Discuss what has actually. Paul University Quezon City In Partial Fulfillment. Cigarette Advertising and their effects to adolescent smokers In the United States, the use of tobacco is the argument essay about smoking preventable cause of death.
Even with this awareness, increased numbers of. A cigarette is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves, which are combined with other additives including nicotine, the rolled or stuffed. Introduction The cigarette industry is highly controversial, argument essay about smoking. While facing increasing regulations worldwide, argument essay about smoking, it persistently presents large profits for its argument essay about smoking players, posing an interesting paradox.
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Argumentative essay about smoking
, time: 2:46Argumentative Essay About Smoking
Sample Argumentative Essay On Smoking More and more countries and cities ban smoking here and there, in public places. According to various medical studies, smoking not only causes various health problems for a person, but also for every non-smoker close by. Even though people continue debating the pros and cons of the smoking issue, the May 23, · The public continuously inhales the secondhand smoke which is dangerous. The banning of cigarette smoking is the best option even though it is against the smokers’ rights to do whatever is good for them. However, a right for a person to do any activity is provided so long as that right does not bring harm other people Death From Squares. Every year hundreds of thousands of people die from smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes cause more than , deaths per year (Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking). Cigarettes ruin slowly but surely the lives of numerous smokers and even nonsmokers. Cigarettes should be illegal because of the products in cigarettes, the damages they cause to the human body, the negative effects they have on pregnancy, how addictive they are, and how they affect nonsmokers
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